Friday, November 29, 2019

Monologue for Educating Rita free essay sample

Frank is wearing shorts, a short sleeved shirt and a handkerchief with tied corners on his head looking every inch the out of place, quintessential British man on holiday, slightly sweaty and flustered from the Australian heat. The study is small and untidy but quite reminiscent of his office back in England. Frank starts to unpack his belongings, putting books into shelves, he starts smiling oddly at a new copy of Roger McGoughs poems, he opens the book and reads the inscription aloud; Frank: Im gonna be dead clever ear and say ‘Education is not the filling of a bucket, but the lighting of a fire. W B Yeats. You lit my fire Frank. Maybe youll understand this now Rita Frank: W B Yeats, Thanks for reminding me Rita ‘The Wild Swans at Coole’ springs to mind again! The musings of a middle aged man like myself. I lost the appetite for being a poet long ago and now all I have left is nothing except the acrid taste of whisky in my mouth. We will write a custom essay sample on Monologue for Educating Rita or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Stage directions – Franks voice trails off with a sigh. He places the book on his desk with a small smile and continues to unpack. Unpacks the nude painting. Examines the painting and laughs. Frank – Ha look at those tits! Stage directions – Hangs painting on the wall, stares for a while musing with his hands on his hips then walks over to the window, sitting on the ledge looking outside, pondering. Frank – My, how I was intellectually seduced by her. She never conformed to what students were meant to be, let alone a woman! She never had a classical education yet she was incredibly intelligent without realising it, I fell in love with that, I found that an enduring and rare quality that I wanted to nature. But I had to make her conform to pass her exams, I never wanted to, I never wanted to take away the bit about her that I loved in order to achieve what she wanted, that was selfish of me, I called her my Frankenstein! Stage directions – Bangs fist on table. But I thought she was losing part of her innate brightness and original thought and that was never my intention, I wanted to keep that, to nature that and see her grow beyond the constricting confines of educational bureaucracy! What questions remain unanswered? What questions remain unasked? Why do we live our lives with our true feelings hidden away, a fear imposed upon us through fear of failure and rejection? I know why she is always running around in my mind, it is because she is meant to be there. Never have I encountered such voracious and vociferous yet simply beautifully intendant woman not content with the chains society had imposed on her, she reminded me of a song bird in a cage, waiting to be freed, I’d like to think that I helped, she certainly helped me. Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song. At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet. I feel like a poet again! She said I lit her fire? Was she hoping that would be reciprocal? Because it is, I think she knows that she ignited my passions again and I did not thank her enough, I was foolish in my coyness, was she my last chance at true love? Maybe the poets are right, maybe love is the only answer? Stage directions – Frank goes to poor himself a drink but resists, slowly puts down his glass on the table and walks towards the door. Frank – No! I think Frost can help me here; Stage directions – Frank looks up longingly and with thought. Frank I think I shall be telling this with a sigh somewhere ages and ages hence, Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less travelled by, and that, has made all the difference Stage directions – Goes to try the door, but its stuck, he steps back admiring the door Frank – It looks like there are some things you just can not escape. Stage directions – Barges the door open with his shoulder and exits the room End Commentary Structure Examine contextual background Own awareness of adult education Nelson Mandela said Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world But conversely Oscar Wilde stated that Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught As a mature student I can see the value of both, the lessons that experience has taught me and the knowledge gained from education and it is through continued education that drives me towards my goals and I have the experience and passion to get there, something sometimes lacking in a less mature mind. Rita sought education to create a better life for herself and through that pursuit found herself and a friend. She helped Frank possibly realise that he wasn’t so useless after all and got the education she so desired. Comment on my choice of content and what it shows about frank and how he changes over the play Rita is a working class Liverpudlian and aspires to a higher social and academic level so that she may have choices and Frank is a disillusioned alcoholic and failed poet with slowly diminishing choices. As Rita progresses, Russell uses a range of dramatic techniques and tensions between the two characters to explore themes of the personal, class, relationships, gender, dependence, superiority and education, and the structure shows a clear crossover within their respective roles. I felt I needed to convey this change and crossover in my monologue, that bitter sweet feeling of nostalgia, of choices and chances not taken, that black comedy and almost Shakespearian tragedy that we are left with at the end of the play, of a chance of love lost. I wanted to show the emotional change within Frank and the passion that Rita had reignited. Comment on my choice of speech, style, vocabulary Frank has a wide lexicon and vast knowledge of classic English literature. I wanted to include references to this literature knowledge with material already discussed in the play (Roger McGoughs, W B Yeats) to keep in character and theme and also some outside material such as Robert Frost to show his love of poetry is still somewhat alive. In choosing to write a monologue for Frank I was aware that to convey these aspects of his character I needed to continue this style. He is not without humour though, all be it dry and sarcastic, and I needed to include that classic English gentleman wit to carry on Franks style and for the audience to be able to recognise him as his character. Comment on my planned impact on the audience I wanted to show what I thought Franks true feelings were for Rita and finally accepting the truth to himself, yet being true to his nature and not immediately doing anything about it and still leaving his undisclosed love unanswered. A small insight into his thoughts as a whole on Rita, something we do not get to hear about from the play. I wanted to show that as Frank helped Rita, she also helped him, re-lighting his passion for writing. Keeping the audience guessing at the end of the scene is again keeping in nature with the open end of the play, leaving the audience to create their own images about where he could possibly be going.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Heavy Metal essays

Heavy Metal essays Heavy Metals popularity is and has been on the rise due to its many bands and increased guitar technology. Since the mid 1960s, when heavy metal spread to the U.S. from England, it has grown in popularity. Many of the first bands that came from Europe came with two intentions; to spread heavy metal to other parts of the world, and to make it grow in popularity. (Ragland 1). Heavy metal is a form of rock n roll music played on electric guitars and amplified to unnatural volume levels. Such effects as feedback, distortion, reverb, and Wah Wah pedals are commonly added to the music. These effects create completely new sounds, exploiting the possibilities of electric guitars. Most heavy metal music is based on death, Satanism, youth, and teenage rebellion. It is broken into three sub categories; speedcore, thrash metal, and death metal. Heavy metal is the general term for these three categories combined. It is often just called metal. Most heavy metal music is based around the electric guitar. (Ragland 1-2). Guitar technology has changed a lot since the beginning of the rock era. In the early 1950s electric guitars were very expensive and had few capabilities. Inventions such as wah wah pedals, fuzz boxes, distortion, reverb, and amplifiers have increased the electric guitar's capabilities of making new sounds and music. The new devices have also made rock music more popular. More among the heavy metal population than the many other branches of rock n roll. (Hewens). Heavy metal music grabs a hold of rocks most rudimentary elements; youth, rebellion, sex, fantasy, and a good time at all costs. It is directed towards the alienation and trauma that plagues adolescent life, particularly among the lives if teenage boys. They tend to see their lives as controlled by parents and teachers. For many others, it is a way to release frustration and anger. For instance, a heavy metal concert ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Microsoft Corporation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Microsoft Corporation - Essay Example Strong Brand Image: Microsoft is a well known brand the world over. Anybody having anything to do with the field of IT, computers or technology finds the italicised brand name easily distinguishable and identifiable. Microsoft was firmly placed at third position after Google and GE in the ranking of brands being finalised by MillwardBrown for the year 2008. In fact, while many of the reputed brands have slipped down their positions, Microsft has firmly held on to its position for couple of years. With a brand value of $ million 70,887, the company saw a rise of 29% in its brand value as compared to 2007. Well Organised R&D set-up: Microsoft is known to be continuously on the lookout for an upgrade or latest product or service with focus on the innovation and customer convenience. Microsoft was one of the first software companies to make provisions for R&D activities way back in 1991 itself. With R&D labs at six places around the world, the company has more than 800 researchers studying more than 55 areas of research. Wide range of Product portfolio: If we talk of an operating system, Windows is the first name that crops up. In fact Windows itself became a brand identity for operating software. Now with valuable upgrades like Vista, the OS range is quite wide. Besides the OS, a number of other products like Office tools, development tools, multimedia software, client-server tools etc. provide a remarkable strength to the company. Strategic tie-ups with a number of reputed companies: Microsoft has been working in close co-ordination with a number of companies. For example computer manufacturers like Dell, HP; multimedia and audio-visual products like Sony, Phillips etc. are the strategic partners of Microsoft. Consistent operating performance: Microsoft has seen healthy operating figures consistently for many years. The results announced for the fiscal quarter ended Sept 30 2008 has shown revenues worth $15.06 billion with a 9% increase over the corresponding period last year2. The average returns of the company over the last five year period ending June 2007 indicate consistency in performance. The average return on assets, return on investments and return on equity figures during the last five years were 14.3%, 18.5% and 20.2% respectively, higher than the industry averages of 11.7%, 16.5% and 19% for the same period (Datamonitor, 2007). Weaknesses Uneven Geographic Concentration: Though Microsoft has operations in many countries around the world, but a cursory look at its financial statements indicate that company's revenues from the US contributed to 62% of the total revenues of the company in 2007 leaving just 38% for the rest of the world (Datamonitor, 2007). In fact, the revenue figures are not indicative of the existing usage of Microsoft software because of a large number of pirated versions doing the rounds in many countries around the world. But Microsoft has not been able to do much to tackle this menance. Decreasing share of search market: Microsoft's search engine MSN search is being replaced by Google all around the world at a rapid pace. Microsoft, having been a leader in software products has not been able to come out with a matching answer to Google indicates sorry state of affairs for the company. Opportunities Increasing emphasis on emerging markets: Microsoft has been strengthening its operations in countries like China and India, the major untapped, yet highly promising markets. With America under recessionary trends, company will do a world of favour to itself if it is able to set off some of the losses by being better focused towards such markets. Launch of Newer Products: The Windows Vista launched in 2007 has come out with many improved features over the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Benefits and Drivers Proposal for Kmart Research Paper

Benefits and Drivers Proposal for Kmart - Research Paper Example Dynamic strategies are inherently linked to the changing preferences of the people and the environment within which business operates (Montgomery, 2008). Kmart, would therefore greatly benefit from innovation, design and creativity not only in its products and services but also in its vision and operation. Through innovation in ideas and products, Kmart can easily achieve its goals and objectives. Kmart has created many brands which cater not only to the middle class segment but also the high end. But now Kmart must create unique capabilities that would give it a competitive advantage (Stalk et al., 1992)). Customers are the major part of all businesses. Kmart has excellent customer service which can be further improved through continuous feedback from customers. To improve and improvise Kmart can offer customers incentive to identify flaw in the customer service. They can also be offered to give suggestions to improve the store. Moreover, using social networking, Kmart can run online contest for best suggestion and implement them to gain customer long time loyalty. This would serve dual purpose: gain popularity; and at the same time, get innovative suggestion for improvement directly from the customers that meet their expected level of service. Kmart needs some highly creative input vis-Ã  -vis design format/ interior decoration of homes or offices. It would attract new segment of young and mobile people who have financial resources but not the time to put their ideas into reality. Kmart could start an online superstore that would facilitate customers’ dream to come true. They can outline their dream design and choose items or give specifications of their requirement regarding various goods and services. The store can then give tentative estimate, take advance and decorate/ design customers’ homes and offices as per their dream. This would be a highly exclusive activity which none of the competitors have. Hence, developing

Monday, November 18, 2019

Theory Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Theory Analysis - Assignment Example What is the underlying epistemological paradigm of this theory? (All theories have an epistemological foundation. We have covered the following epistemological paradigms: logical positivism, post-positivism, realism, postmodernism, interpretivism/social constructivism, critical theory, feminist theory.) The underlying epistemological paradigm of the incentive theory of motivation is behaviorism, particularly, purposive behaviorism. Behaviorism, otherwise known as the behavioral learning theory, explain observed and/or measured behaviors as an outcome of an external event, which means that â€Å"a human being will learn to behave in a certain manner because he or she has discovered that something desirable or punishing may occur after a desirable or punishing behavior takes place† (Nath & Cmajdalka, 2011, p. 141). In 1932, Tolman (as cited in Fiske, 2008) developed â€Å"a purposive behaviorism, conceiving of incentives as the quantity and quality of a reward† (p. 10). Why do you think this is the epistemological paradigm underlying your theory? (This is where you will link the ontological, axiological, and methodological assumptions of the epistemological paradigm to the tenets of the theory. You will need to review the tenets of your selected theory and review the assumptions of the epistemological paradigm.) 2. An axiological assumption has something to do with non-moral sources of value (McDonald, 2008). Behaviorism is divided in this aspect. Some theorists believe that behaviorism does not entertain any assumption with respect to value judgment (Harcum, 1996). However, Dewey (as cited in Boydston, 1989) believes otherwise. 1. Objectivism assumes that the symbols people used during such cognitive activities such as thinking and talking derives meaning by virtue of their capacity to stand for objects, people, properties, as well as the associations between them as their existence is real. In simpler terms, objectivism views the world as a set of objects

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Tektronix Inc Global Erp Implementation Information Technology Essay

Tektronix Inc Global Erp Implementation Information Technology Essay The present business environment is changing dramatically and is mainly characterized by increasing competition, rising customer expectations, expanding markets and shorter product life cycles. This has put tremendous pressure on companies to reduce costs across the value chain and inventory, provide better customer service and reliable delivery dates, improved quality and efficiently manage the demand, production and supply across the globe. In order to remain competitive, in the light of these pressures, firms are exploring different ways of doing business and also realizing the importance to improve their internal processes and practices. It is crucial for organisations to share timely and accurate business information with their customers, suppliers and distributors and in order to meet this objective firms are aggressively using enterprise resources planning (ERP) systems. ERP system provides two main benefits. One, it provides a unified enterprise view of the organization. The entire information from human resources, accounting, finance, sales, inventory, logistics and supply chain management are integrated by ERP. This integration allows firms to respond rapidly to changing market and competitive forces, efficiently manage supply chain and inventory thereby realizing cost savings. Second, the ERP acts as a central information database that allows information to be stored, processed, analyzed and monitored. This prevents information and communications gaps thereby allowing better co-operation and co-ordination across the various departments and functional units in an organization (Umble et al, 2003; Bingi et al, 1999). The ERP system, by providing timely and accurate information, aids in the strategic decision making functions of the top management. Although the ERP system can be considered as one of the strategic tools used by organisations to realize their business goals and objectives, its implementation is a cause for concern. ERP systems are highly complex systems and its implementation is usually a difficult and costly exercise fraught with risks. This essay evaluates the global ERP implementation at Tektronix, a manufacturer of electronic test equipments. The essay begins by briefly outlining the state of affairs at Tektronix prior to ERP implementation and can be considered as driving factors behind the adoption. The implementation has been analyzed in different stages business plan and Vision, requirements analysis, software selection, implementation planning and implementation. Such an approach will provide more clarity about the adoption process, the critical success factors and risk mitigation. NEED FOR CHANGE AT TEKTRONIX Tektronix, in spite of being the world leader in most of the businesses that it was catering to, was limited in terms of flexibility of its operations and growth opportunities. In order to overcome these limitations the top management felt that the organization had to be restructured starting with information technology (IT) infrastructure. The IT infrastructure at Tektronix was a complete mess. They had over 450 legacy systems only in the United States, apart from the systems used in the 60 countries in which they were operating. There was no standardization of these systems or business processes globally. Inventory tracking was a problem and sales order processing had to be carried out multiple times in different systems which resulted in increasing processing time, reduced customer service and order errors. The financial systems were not very efficient with multiple charts of accounts across the company and therefore taking weeks to close the books at the end of the month. It was also challenging to retrieve business performance information such as the profitability with regards to each product or division. It can be inferred from these business challenges that the driving forces for ERP adoption at Tektronix were the need for business process integration, common template for IT, unified enterprise view of informatio n, operational cost savings and increased customer responsiveness. BUSINESS PLAN, VISION, TOP MANAGEMENT SUPPORT AND COMMITMENT One of the most critical success factors for any ERP implementation is the creation of a clear and compelling vision identifying goals and objectives along with their alignment with information systems strategy (Umble et al, 2003; Finney Corbett, 2007). Along with this vision, the business plan should provide the justification for the investment based on reliable data and reasonable assumptions (Nah et al, 2001; Kraemmerand et al, 2003). In case of Tektronix, the vision was provided by the CFO and it stressed on three key aspects -seperablity of business, leveraging shared services and a plain vanilla system, where possible. With regards to ERP investment justification, Tektronix did not spent time carrying out detailed return on investment (ROI) analysis. The decision to adopt ERP system was based on the judgment of few senior managers, in particular the CFO. One of the risks of such an action, and which did occur, is costly implementations. A detailed budgeting and ROI analysis wo uld have put a control on the cash outflow for the implementation. Top management support and commitment is another critical success factor and is required throughout the implementation by way of monitoring progress and providing direction (Murray Coffin, 2001). They play a key role in the allocation of resources apart from legitimizing the new goals, objectives and business process changes. Their support also helps to reduce user resistance which is likely to be present in large transformational projects such as an ERP implementation (Nah et al, 2001; Sumner, 2003). In case of Tektronix there was continuous support and approval from the CFO, divisional heads and senior managers during the project life cycle. REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS Most of the times, the reasons cited for the abandonment of ERP projects is because firms realize, midway, that the new system does not support some of their business processes (Koch et al, 1999). One of the reasons for this is the failure to conduct a detailed requirement analysis prior to ERP adoption. As part of this analysis, functional requirements should depict the various data requirements, process linkages and work flows. In Tektronix implementation, it is clear from the case study that the management had not carried out detailed requirement analysis prior to ERP adoption. Although they managed to have a successful ERP adoption, this was a very risk approach. SOFTWARE SELECTION The software selection process at Tektronix can be analyzed from three key aspects buy-versus-build decision, the software selection process and finally, the single vendor approach to enterprise systems integration. Firms adopting an ERP system face the decision to whether build the system in-house or to purchase packaged software and this depends on a number of factors, one of which is the level of technical expertise and ERP development knowledge existing in-house (Sawyer, 2000). Firms involved in the in-house development of the ERP systems face the risk of cost and schedule overruns and in some cases the end system not meeting the user requirements (Lucas Jr et al, 1988). The decision to go for packaged system, in Tektronix, can be considered to be a wise decision because of two main reasons. Firstly, Tektronix had no experience in developing IS systems. It would not have been possible for them to develop a robust system with the same efficiency as a package software developer, who could leverage from its RD and varied implementation experiences. Secondly, Tektronix did not have the necessary technical skills, which was also evident during the implementation stage. With regards to software selection process, Tektronix spent very little time. The decision to implement Oracle ERP solution was based mainly on the experiences of the CFO and CIO. Very little resources were spent in evaluating the alternatives in terms of features and costs. An ERP system, by default, will impose considerable influence on a firms strategy, organization and culture. Some of the ERP failures can be attributed to the incompatibility that exist between the new systems technical capabilities and needs vis-Ã  -vis the organizations existing business processes (Umble et al, 2003). It is therefore critical that the ERP selection process is conducted with great care. The selection between the single vendor and best of breed approaches to systems integration is debatable. Both the approaches have risks and are considered to be complex with regards to their scale, scope and business process reengineering requirements (Shehab et al, 2004). The best of breed strategy can offer the best functionality for each module, but its implementation is complex because of the need for establishing interfaces between the disparate systems (Bingi et al, 1999; Shehab et al, 2004). The cost and the need for extensive training to maintain these interfaces is also likely to be high (Light et al, 2001). In case of single vendor strategy, it might not have all functionalities but it will easier to implement (Mabert et al, 2001). The other benefits include simplified contracting and relationship management as well as a single point of control for all software related problems (Shehab et al, 2004). Taking into consideration Tektronix growth strategy as well as the scale a nd complexity of the ERP implementation, it can be argued that the single vendor strategy seemed suitable. It mitigated, to a great extent, the integration, maintenance and upgrade related risks likely to be present in multiple package implementations. IMPLEMENTATION PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION An important activity, during implementation planning, which plays a crucial role in the success of an ERP implementation, is the creation of a steering committee consisting of senior management and end users (Somers Nelson, 2004). The role of the steering committee is mainly to determine the project scope and objectives prior to implementation and to ensure adherence to it (Parr Shanks, 2000). In case of Tektronix, the steering committee refined the companys vision and developed the global business model along with business process change and guiding principles in order to provide clear direction for the implementation. The steering committees portrayal of top management support and commitment was also instrumental in overcoming resistances. Effective project organization and management is another critical success factor in the adoption of an ERP (Umble et al, 2003). It is also necessary to ensure that the project team is well balanced consisting of members from different divisions or functional units possessing both business and technical skills (Finney Corbett, 2007). In case of Tektronix ERP implementation, there was an efficient project management team consisting of representatives from different functional and geographical locations. Apart from this, the members had a combination of business and technical skills which made it easy for to identify and resolve issues quickly. In this context it would be appropriate to stress the importance of a project champion; who oversees the entire implementation process, helps to achieve consensus and plays a major role in handling organizational change. This project champion should be a high level executive with transformational leadership qualities and should have the authorit y to set goals and legitimize change (Nah et al, 2001; Ngai et al, 2008). The CFO as a project champion can be considered one of the success factors behind Tektronix implementation. In case of large scale ERP implementations, most companies fall into the trap of a big bang seduction. Introducing the ERP system at one strike can be extremely risky and can affect the success of the project (Vogt, 2002). The overall strategy used by Tektronix for the ERP implementation can be considered to be incremental approach. It was a single change program consisting of several waves or implementations with each implementation lead by a senior executive and addressing change in a particular division or geographic region. Although the different locations were managed independently, they were monitored by a central project team to ensure a timely and smooth change. The advantage of this was that it gave regular feedback regarding the implementation thereby allowing fast corrective measures in case of any deviations, provided vital learnings which could be used in subsequent installations and allowed flexibility in project scheduling. Apart from this, each successful implementati on acted as a proof of concept (Watson Haley, 1998) for the ERP, which helped to keep the team morale high as well as to ensure continued senior management support and commitment. In case of global rollout, again the incremental approach was followed, with the initial implementation being carried out across Europe. This allowed the project team to learn and address majority of the global implementation challenges, which proved beneficial in the subsequent implementations. Although the overall approach was incremental, it was interlaced with big bang approach where possible. The incremental approach helped to overcome the challenges arising from geographical distances and the lack of business synergies that existed between some countries. It was also instrumental in managing the language difficulties that existed in some countries. One of the risk factors associated with an ERP implementation is the failure of adopting company to redesign the business processes to align with the new ERP system. Rather than redesigning, these companies customize the software to fit the existing inefficient business processes, leading to cost overruns, delays and project failures (Sumner, 2003; Ngai et al, 2008; Somers Nelson, 2004; Nah et al, 2001). These risk factors were addressed to great extent in the Tektronix implementation. As part of business process redesign it carried out a number of activities. It standardized the charts-of-accounts, eliminated existing complex transfer pricing practices and changed the financial transaction processes. Apart from this, as part of organizational restructuring all European country managers were removed, English was declared as the single language for business within Tektronix and local business practices were standardized. With regards to customization, Tektronix undertook it mainly be cause of two reasons the differences in business operations between the divisions necessitated it and the Oracle ERP system did not have all the functionality required; a fallout of not carrying out the software/vendor process diligently. Change management programs are an important part of organizational transformation processes such as ERP adoption. Although it is mentioned here under planning and implementation, it is usually initiated at the start of the project and continues throughout the project lifecycle. An enterprise wide ERP implementation such as at Tektronix is likely to cause changes to the organizations culture and structure (Nah et al, 2001). If users are not prepared for such a change, the likely consequences will be user resistance, chaos and denial. To avoid such a situation the users need to be involved during the design and implementation of the ERP system. This should be augmented with education, training and re-skilling, which will help them in understanding the need for change and the associated implications on their job (Umble et al, 2003; Al-Mashari et al, 2003; Kraemmerand et al, 2003). In case of Tektronix, there are indications from the case study that the change management was not handled effectively. One instance was the resistance to change faced during the implementation of Order Management/Accounts Receivable (OMAR) at CPID division and the project team having to reiterate the need for change. Another instance was during the implementation of OMAR at VND division. It was post implementation that VND realized the level of resources and the skill set required. Although VND managed to have a successful implementation, this could have been risky leading to user resistance and chaos. The insufficient training of the end users is considered as one of the risk factors associated with an ERP implementation (Sumner, 2003). Based on the approach of using power or super users, it can be argued that Tektronix followed cascaded training to mitigate the risks arising from insufficient training of end users. The risk arising from the lack of internal expertise, technical and functional, was mitigated by the deployment of external consultants. In order to avoid the risks and surprises arising from the integration of complex business operations with the ERP system, Tektronix pursued a vigorous testing program simulating live work environment. LESSONS LEARNED FROM THIS IMPLEMENTATION There are some key learnings, based on the above evaluation. Firstly, it is necessary to carry out a detailed requirement of analysis prior to an ERP implementation. This will ensure that a proper understanding of existing business process and benefits that can be realized from the adoption of the new system. Secondly, the ROI analysis and budgeting apart from providing the economic justification for the project will also help to control the implementation costs. Third, in case of software/vendor selection sufficient resources must be spent in comparing features and costs between the various alternatives. This can avoid customizations at a later stage. In their article, Umble and Haft (2003) recommends a selection process which includes identification of potential vendors and evaluation criteria, creating the request for proposal, evaluation of the proposals, choosing the vendor/software, negotiation of contract, pre-implementation pilot test and finally, establishing service level a greements. Fourth, the presence of a steering committee consisting of representatives from the senior management and end users along with the appointment of a project champion can have considerable impact on the success of the implementation. Fifth, the lack of business process reengineering coupled with excessive levels of customizations can lead to cost overruns, delays and project failure. Lastly, incremental approach is suitable in the case of large scale ERP implementations as it provides feedbacks and quick gains which acts as a proof of concept along with the learning which can be utilized in subsequent installations. CONCLUSION It is clear that although the implementation at Tektronix was expensive it was a successful implementation. This was due to the presence of a number of critical success factors along with risk mitigation approaches that were followed. The presence of executive sponsorship during the project life cycle, along with a transformation leader such as the CFO as the project champion was critical to the success of this project. In terms of global rollout, avoiding the big bang seduction and following the incremental approach was a wise decision. However, there are few areas such as the requirement analysis, software/vendor selection process and change management where the project team did not carry out detailed analysis or execution. Focus on some of these areas could have made avoided some of the problems that were faced during the implementation. In a nutshell, the successful adoption of ERP at Tektronix helped it to overcome many of the inefficiencies which were present earlier and in the process enabled it to become much more agile and flexible.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Morrisons Bluest Eye Essay: The American Way -- Bluest Eye Essays

The Bluest Eye: The American Way  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   Ownership, class structures, and consumerism go hand in hand. Morrison illustrates this throughout the novel and in the characters' identities. Many of the characters identify themselves based on material possessions: the simple ownership of a car, the use of consumer products, and property ownership. Although African Americans may take these things for granted now, in the early 1900's this would be considered a major accomplishment. There is an apparent contradiction of class status among the characters illustrating how beauty determines social stratification. Morrison places each person in the class hierarchy based on how close they are to the white standard of beauty. The Fishers, the white family Pauline is employed by, are at the top of the class stratification. The only upper middle class family is white and they are the ultimate model of the blonde and blue eyed standard. Rosemary, whom the girls also have a tinge of jealousy for, is on the same class level as Frieda and Claudia, except that her Italian features classify her as white. Rosemary's phenotype is white yet she is also a minority. In the opening scene of the novel she is "sitting in a 1939 Buick eating bread and butter." Claudia and Frieda are characterized as envious: We stare at her, wanting her bread, but more than that wanting to poke the arrogance out of her eyes and smash the pride of ownership that curls her chewing mouth. (12) Morrison opens the novel with a feeling of envy, because she is depicting how consumerism and ownership evoke competition. Each character wants to be superior to the others. Rosemary views herself as better than the African American girls because bla... ... Bluest Eye (New York: Washington Press, 1970). Susan Willis, "I Shop Therefore I Am: Is There a Place for Afro-American Culture in Commodity Culture?" in Changing Our Own Words: Essays on Criticsm, Theory and Writing by Black Women, ed. Charyl A. Wall (New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1989): 173-95. Elizabeth House, "Artist and the Art of Living: Order and Disorder in Toni Morrison's Fiction," Modern Fiction Studies 34(1998):27-44. Bessie W. Jones, "An Interiew with Toni Morrison," in The World of Toni Morrision, ed. Bessie Jones and Audrey Vinson (Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall Hunt, 1985). Robert Stepto, " `Intimate Things in a Place': A Conversation with Toni Morrison," in Chant of Saints: A Gathering of Afro-American Literature, Art, and Scholarship, ed. Michael S. Harper and Robert B. Stepto (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1979).   

Monday, November 11, 2019

Cosmetic surgery Essay

Introduction: The search for perfection is in mind of probably every human being. This search had started Centuries ago not only in the twenty first century but it had developed now due to the influence of the media on people specially women and teenagers. That search of perfection made them thinking of cosmetic surgery as that seemed the easy way to get the shape and the look they wanted, not what GOD had been giving them. So, what is plastic surgery? Originally the word plastic surgery came from a Greek word Plastikos, it means the shape or mould. So it has nothing to do with plastic or plastic products. In my understanding of plastic surgery, it’s type of surgery that repairs the damaged places in the body that got injured or lost organs or tissues of the body. It can be for any part of the body, some people get plastic surgeries for medical reasons but others to fulfill there needs of being perfect and beautiful! According to a medical dictionary â€Å" plastic surgery is the specialty or procedure concerned with the restoration, construction, reconstruction, or even improvement in the form, function, and appearance of the body structure that are missing, defective, damaged, or misshapen1.† Another definition for it â€Å"A special type of surgery that can involve both a person’s appearance and ability to function better2†. A plastic surgery is the reconstruction or improvement of forms or functions by resection, transplantation, or implantation. Plastic surgery therefore it includes the reconstruction of defects3. There are two types of plastic surgery: Reconstructive surgery: â€Å"Reconstructive surgery is frequently performed on burn and accident victims. It may involve the rebuilding of harshly fractured bones, as well as skin grafting. Reconstructive surgery includes such procedures as the reattachment of an amputated finger or toe, or implanting a prosthesis. Prostheses are artificial structures and materials that are used to replace missing limbs or teeth, or arthritic hip and knee joints4.† Cosmetics surgery (also called aesthetic): procedures alter a part of the body that the person is not happy with. General cosmetic procedures include making the breasts larger or smaller, reshaping the nose, and take out pockets of fat from specific spots on the body. Several cosmetic procedures aren’t even surgical in the way that the majority people think of surgery that is cutting and stitching. For example, the use of special lasers to remove unwanted hair and sanding skin to improve severe scarring are two such treatments. History of plastic surgery: As the surgical specialties go, you may think that plastic surgery is one of the best known things at this moment, that’s because of the media that covers the celebrity â€Å"enhancements† and the never ending chase for the perfect appearance although there is no such thing under the name of perfect appearance. Plastic surgery now has the eyes of the public, as it became for the people something almost interchangeable terms, but in medical field and historical perspective this isn’t so! Cosmetics surgery involves an elective procedures preformed for an aesthetic reasons, but plastic surgery refers to the surgical reconstruction misshapenness of a part of the face or the body, providing the normal appearance and function. As surgical specialties go you may think that plastic surgery is one of the  best known at the moment, civility of media coverage of celebrity â€Å"enhancements† and the never ending chase of the perfect appearance. Plastic plus cosmetic surgery has, in the eyes of the public, become almost interchangeable terms, but in medical and historical background this isn’t so. Cosmetic surgery involves optional procedures performed for aesthetic reasons, but plastic surgery refers to surgical reconstruction of deformity, providing normal appearance and function. The specialty developed from its ancient Egyptian origins more than three thousand years ago. It developed geographically, as knowledge spread from epicentres, plus northern India at about 600 BC, Sicily in the 15th century Renaissance, Germany in the 19th century, and lastly Britain in the two world wars. Egyptian beginnings: Evidence of reconstructive surgery exists in Egyptian medical papyruses1 that date back to 1600 BC, describing reconstructive techniques employed by the priest-doctors of the time to restore appearance. Of these, the Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus is the best example, describing case histories and advice for practical management, not like other texts, which outlined grouping of magical and practical methods. Of the 48 preserved, case 12 describe how to come close to â€Å"a break in the chamber of the nose,† including a description of its look and methods of packing the nasal cavity to stop bleeding and reproduce a normal profile. Also included are suturing techniques, which allowed huge lacerations to heal with minimum mark. In the upper echelons of Egyptian culture huge importance was sited on the appearance, as shown by the elaborate death masks of the pharaohs and their daily use of make up. Consequently, a person’s look was changeable, doctors were expected to restore it to normality, and it was this demand that provided the motivation for the foundations of plastic surgery. Though the lack of anesthesia and pain relief and religious forbiddance of invasive surgery limited their work to superficial injuries, doctors were able to perfect basic but highly effective techniques, which continue to be used today. Reconstructing the nose in India Just about thousand years later, a Hindu doctor, Susruta, working in northern India close to the modern day city of Varanasi, completed the next step in the progress of plastic surgery, with the introduction of rhinoplasty2. Nasal amputation was common at the time, also through injury on the battlefield or as a punishment, which produced a shocking and deformed appearance. In response, Susruta developed a reconstruction technique that returned some degree of function and shape, which is expressed in his book, Samhita (about 600 BC). His work had spread fast to Eastern Europe and into the Byzantine Empire, where in AD 700 the emperor Justinian successfully had a forehead rhinoplasty after a disturbing nasal amputation. Surviving statues of Justinian bear scars around the nose and forehead, a testament to the surgery he underwent. The fall of the Roman Empire in the fifth century was vital in preventing the dissemination of this technique all over Western Europe. Lack of demand for procedures other than rhinoplasty in the east meant a lack of driving force for more advancement techniques were just being refined not pioneered. It was not until the Renaissance in the 15th century that a few developments took place. Italian practitioners were at the front position, as for many medical advances at that moment in time, in particular a Sicilian family of surgeons, the Brancas. Between Branca Senior and his son, Antonius, suturing techniques were advanced, affording minimum scarring, new methods for repairing wounds to ears and lips were recognized, and the aforementioned Indian method was introduced to the West, as Susruta’s text grow to be more widely available. Cosmetic surgery: Nowadays, cosmetic surgery is one of the most surgeries that people make. As the graph shows the top plastic surgeries that been done in year 2008 (look at figure 1): As you can see that the most common cosmetic surgery is Breast Augmentation, subsequently, Lipoplasty, Blepharoplasty, Rhinoplasty and lastly Abdominoplasty. Breast augmentation: A procedure made to increase breast size. Liposuction: A procedure in which a special instrument called a canula is used to break up and suck out fat from the body. This procedure is also known as lipoplasty. Blepharoplasty: is one of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures. It’s a procedure to get rid of fat – frequently along with excess skin plus muscle – from the upper and lower eyelids. It can lift drooping upper lids and reduce the puffy eye bags that form below our eyes. Rhinoplasty: A cosmetic procedure used to improve or change the appearance of the nose. Rhinoplasty is commonly referred to as a nose job. Abdominoplasty: A procedure performed to flatten your abdomen by removing extra fat along with skin, and tightening muscles in your abdominal wall. This procedure is commonly referred to as a tummy tuck. Advantages and disadvantages of cosmetic surgeries Really there is nothing at all wrong with you wanting to make your self beautiful, prettier or even wanting to feel better about yourself. Because in our world the image is everything, feeling good and looking good too is really important. The question that you really have to ask yourself is how far would you go to look perfect? Before making any decision, be sure that you are happy with your self inside, because the outside is something can be changed in a moment. Disadvantages Various Procedures: Cosmetic surgery includes a wide range of procedures. Each and every procedure has its own advantages as well as disadvantages. One of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures is breast implants. They probably make a  woman feel more confident of herself and her body, except the implants have a risk of leaking or even bursting and that well require another surgery to fix the problem. Second most popular cosmetics surgery is Liposuction. The noticeable advantage for this procedure is that people can lose a large amount of weight in hours. Also, they might feel better about themselves after having the procedure and keep up a healthier lifestyle. On the other hand, if they gain weight after going under a liposuction procedure the chances of risk is going to increase. Your skin might be at risk of dimpling and that is going to need fat injections to fix that problem. In addition, the body is going to take long time to get used to the new weight plus some people suffer chills and ot her problems in the weeks and months after having the procedure. Costs One of the disadvantages of cosmetic surgery is the cost. A simple Botox injection can cost $400 and even more. Breast reductions can range between $3,500 and $6,000 depending on if you are a man or a woman. Facelifts average is about $6,500 and even liposuction costs more than $3,000. A nose job is generally more than $4,000 and eyelid surgery is at least $3,000. These are just a few of the high costs of some of the good number of popular cosmetic surgery procedures. Although, the costs of those procedures are pretty expensive, there are a few ways to save some money. Nearly all plastic surgeons offer financing options either through their own office or by working with a lender or even a financing company. Many people are able to afford these procedures now and that is by working out low monthly payments. Some cosmetic surgery schools too may offer discount procedures for people who are willing. These procedures are controlled and observed by trained professionals. Safety In general, cosmetic surgery procedures are safe. The overwhelming majority of customers who go through liposuction, face lifts, breast augmentations or other procedures are happy with the change and experience few negative side effects. However, some statistics that poses a disadvantage to those considering cosmetic surgery. According to, about four percent of cosmetic surgery procedures have some type of complication after completed. Procedures done in Mexico and other countries where they are much cheaper account for many of the surgeries that â€Å"go bad,† however it is still something to consider and put in mind. Requirements In order to be qualified candidate for cosmetic surgery, you must follow certain standards. There are some health conditions that you will probably exclude you from being a candidate for cosmetic surgery, including lung disease, hypertension, diabetes, arthritis and malnourishment. These and other problems make risks of cosmetic surgery. On the other hand, if you are a fairly health person, cosmetic surgery can be a remarkable advantage. Smokers are also not good candidates for cosmetic procedures. Actually, they must quit smoking for two whole weeks before having the procedure in addition; they must also be smoke-free for more two weeks after having the surgery. For some smokers, this may be a tremendous disadvantage to cosmetic surgery. Risks No surgery is risk free, but unfortunately there is something called complications and side effects of any surgery. Part of the cosmetic surgeon’s job is to educate, tutor and help the people who are planning on having cosmetics surgery properly including knowledge of this into their decision about surgery. In addition you must discuss the risks and all the side effect of the surgery with your cosmetic surgeon. Post-operative Hemorrhage (Bleeding) Although our body’s have there own mechanisms and surgeon work in concert to stop all the significant bleeding produced during an operation, there are times when bleeding may resume post-operatively. It would be unusual for the bleeding that can complicate the cosmetic surgery to be life threatening,  but it certainly can lead to extend the recovery and the need for extra surgery. Cosmetics surgery procedures are frequently form wide areas between tissues, which can cause blood to collect if the bleeding continued in after the operation on the early days. When this happen that could lead to a development of the firm tense clot within the tissues referred to as a â€Å"hematoma.† This clot can cause major pain plus it will produce hard swelling with discoloration. Between all this things that can effect and cause allot of complications, such as uncontrolled high blood pressure, clotting disorders plus the over use of alcohol. This risk of bleeding is decreased with each passing day after having the surgery. Because significant clots can compromise skin vascularity and prevent normal healing, the surgeon him self will usually need to evacuate the collection by opening the wound in a limited way or by re-operating. To reduce your risk for this problem, your doctor will see if you have any bleeding history and he’ll ask you to avoid aspirin for two weeks before having the surgery. You may also help reduce the risk by following the instructions after having the cosmetic surgery, so that might be some kind of a relief. Post-operative Wound Infection Wound infections are frequently caused by the patient’s OWN germs. We live in an environment that is filled with organisms that live our skin plus in our guts. When a cut is made in the skin (such as surgical incision), organisms that must kept out are now allowed to get into the tissues. Most of the time the body’s immune system well fight and will destroy the bacteria before they harm the body. In minority cases the germs may grow too fast which will make them increase in number, consequently that will lead those to overwhelm the humans body defenses, which well lead to tissue invasion and infection. The infections are distinguished by swelling plus redness, and it might be accompanied by pus like drainage from a wound and fever with malaise. The infections are distinguished by swelling plus redness, and it might be accompanied by a puss plus fever and malaise. This infection could be healed by opening a portion or all of the incision. So once the body gains the upper hand after this surgery is done the wound can be closed secondarily, but sometimes it might be allowed to close up the wound by it self. Although when the wound is drained obviously the doctor well take fluid for culture  and he’ll make the patient on an antibiotic to effect and fight against bacteria. The antibiotic choice might be changed several days after the surgery, and that is based on the result of the cultures obtained. Skin Death (Slough) Plastic surgeons often remove and rearrange the tissues; they have to divide some of the supply to those tissues. If in any chance the areas of the skin or fat left without enough circulation to heal, a â€Å"slough(4)† will occur, and that well cause tissue discoloring, turning black and that well need must be removed. Slough is common in the elderly, the obese, cigarette smokers and people with blood vessel diseases. Plus, the chances of slough can also rise up by pressure effects of hematoma and the invasive activities of bacteria within an infected wound. Tiny sloughs in cosmetic surgery is not important areas and usually the can be treated with wound care and later scar revision. On the other hand larger areas of slough may be required to go under another surgery to remove the dying tissue and reorganize tissue for the wound closure. Abnormal Scarring (â€Å"Hypertrophic† scars and â€Å"Keloids†) Mainly objectionable scarring after cosmetic surgery is determined genetically. People of certain skin types are more expected than others to suffer from thick, raised â€Å"hypertrophic(5)† scars. People who are most risk those of African-American, Mediterranean or Asian background. Something is worth considering, that different areas of the body can heal with several types of scars and your doctor have to educate you with the nature of the scaring that he expect to happen in the area to be treated. General Post-surgical Risks Lying still during and immediately after surgery can lead to stagnation of the blood inside the veins of the leg and pelvis; sometimes it leads to clotting named Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT). DVT is really serious as it can lead to inflammation that well effect the veins with later scarring of the veins venous incompetence. It have a possibility that clot within a large vein might break free and circulate through the large veins to be trapped inside the lung (this is called â€Å"pulmonary embolus†). This is a unique and  unusual complication in cosmetics surgery, but this is important to consider it and know about it as it can be life threatening. Patients who are at higher risk to this problem are those who are obese, heavy smokers plus people with a previous history of DVT. Examples of bad cosmetic surgeries: Advantages Feeling good about your self The great thing about plastic surgery is that the benefits are not only physical it also emotional, so it help the patient external plus internal. It can be exactly what you really need to improve and develop your self image and look. Having the look or the positive self image could give you a better self confidence, and that might help you to get a better job, trying new things and it will also give you a feeling of well being. Correct physical defects In addition, cosmetic surgery has this incredible ability to correct the physical defects. Many people may have physical defects that were done by an accident or bad case of acne as a teenager. Also, there are people who are born with physical defects that had overwhelmed them, bother them and got teased because of it since birth. Cosmetic surgery now have the answer and the solution for there problems. Feel younger People who have cosmetic surgeries feel younger and more attractive. This feeling will make them improve there self and there body image and that is something that well surely help feeling good emotionally. You well really enjoy this feeling of satisfactions and that well be the reason for you to get you life in a better place the fits your NEW YOU. Studies showed that people who go under the knife â€Å"cosmetic surgeries† are more often to get rewards in their personal career. Looking beautiful than ever There are some girls and even boys that when they wake up and look at the mirror they someone not pretty, and doesn’t have only one pretty thing to feel good about comparing there self to celebrities and famous people. So they turn to cosmetic surgeries to give them a look that they well feel satisfied about. Therefore, they look beautiful than ever. Examples of good cosmetic surgeries: Conclusion: Cosmetic surgery is just like any other things, it have advantages and disadvantages. People who are planning on having cosmetic surgery should really think twice about it. It is considered a surgical procedure consequently it’s going to have its risks. However, if you are a good healthy person you might be a good candidate for it. People who are willing to take that risk should really think double twice (not only twice), they should really consider the consequences, risks and if they are that kind of people who can live up with some pain after having it done. Cosmetic surgery can really be a solution for you to enhance your self image. Although, there are much less expensive, easy things plus it doesn’t hurt or cause any actual pain. To improve and enhance your look and self image, you can start by living a healthy well being life, that well make you first look better, feel younger, look younger plus live longer. Now you can see that you have three things done by livin g a healthy life! In addition, you can also consider having a NEW LOOK for your self. So get a new hair cut, a new hair color and go shopping for new clothes that fit the YOUR NEW YOU. In my opinion, cosmetic surgeries must not be done on any one, but only for people who suffers from deformation or have a problem resulting from an accident. Cosmetic surgery is something not necessary for people to have, because GOD had given us a face and a body that can function and can do its work properly. So you should look to those poor kids and poor people that have deformation and compare your self to them, and then you can really see how you are so lucky to have what you have and not be in there place. You should also thank god every single day for what he gave you and thank him  for not putting you in that persons place. References: 1. Williams , Lippincott. â€Å"plastic surgery .† 28th. Stedman’s Medical Dictionary, 2006. Web. . 2. Dowshen, MD, Steven . â€Å"Plastic Surgery.† (2009): 1-5. Web. . 3. Gerber, Diane, and Marie Czenko Kuechel. 100 Quetions and answers about plastic surgery . 1st. 5. Canada: Jones and Bartlett Publishers,Inc, 2005. 1-2. Print. 4. J. Frey, Rebecca. â€Å"plastic surger.† New-York: 2008. Web. . 5. â€Å"Cosmetic Surgery Glossary of Terms .† 29 Harley Street, London W1G 9QR: Royal College of Surgeons , 2008. Web. . 6. E.Panfilv, Dimitrije . Cosmetic Surgery Today. 1st. German: Library of congress cataloging in publication data, 2003. 1-6. Print. 7. M.Engler, Alan . Body Sculpture. 2ed. 3. New York: Hudson Publishing, 1998. 6-9. Print. 8. Bullivant , Elizabeth. â€Å"A brief history of plastic surgery .† Britain: University of Birmingham, 2007. Web. . 9. Lisa A., Ennis. â€Å"Cosmetic Surgery .† Dictionary of American History . New York: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003. Web. . 10. Hagy, Chad. â€Å"Advantages & Disadvantages of Cosmetic Surgery .† eHOW (2008): n. pag. Web. 3 Apr 2010. . 11. â€Å"Uncover The Advantages Of Cosmetic Surgery .† N.p., 7/5/2007. Web. 3 Apr 2010. . 12. Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery News. 2009, Web. 3 Apr 2010. .

Friday, November 8, 2019

Metaphor Definition and Examples

Metaphor Definition and Examples A metaphor is a  trope or figure of speech in which an implied comparison is made between two unlike things that actually have something in common. A metaphor expresses the unfamiliar (the tenor) in terms of the familiar (the vehicle). When Neil Young sings, Love is a rose, the word rose is the vehicle for the term love, the tenor. The word  metaphor  itself is a metaphor, coming from a Greek term meaning to transfer or carry across. Metaphors carry meaning from one word,  image, idea, or situation to another. Conventional Metaphors Some people think of  metaphors  as little more than the sweet stuff of songs and poems- such as love is a jewel, a rose, or a butterfly. But people use metaphors in everyday writing and speaking. You cant avoid them: They are baked right into the English  language. Calling a person a night owl or an early bird is an example of a common  or  conventional metaphor- one that most  native speakers  readily understand. Some metaphors are so prevalent  that you may not even notice that they  are  metaphors. Take the familiar metaphor of life as a journey. You can find it in advertising slogans: Life is a journey, travel it well.- United AirlinesLife is a journey. Enjoy the Ride.- NissanThe journey never stops.- American Express Many other categories  of metaphors enhance the English language. Other Types Metaphor types range from conceptual and visual to dead metaphors, which lose their impact and meaning due to overuse. (You might say, metaphorically, they are done to  death.) A specific type of metaphor is even used in psychological counseling. Following are the main types of this figure of speech: Absolute:  a metaphor in which one of the terms (the  tenor) cant be readily distinguished from the other (the  vehicle). Your Dictionary  notes that these metaphors compare two things that have no obvious connection but are joined to make a point such as: â€Å"She is doing a tightrope walk with her grades this semester.† Of course, she is not a circus performer, but the absolute metaphor- tightrope walk- clearly makes the point about the precarious nature of her academic standing. Complex:  a metaphor in which the  literal meaning  is expressed through more than one figurative term (a combination of primary metaphors). The website  Changing Minds  says that a complex metaphor occurs where a simple metaphor is based on a secondary metaphoric element, such as using the term light to indicate understanding, as in the sentence He  threw light  on the subject. Changing Minds also gives these examples: That lends weight to the argument.They stood alone, frozen statues on the plain.The ball happily danced into the net. Conceptual: a  metaphor in which one idea (or  conceptual domain) is  understood in terms of another- for example: Youre  wasting  my time.This gadget will  save  you hours.I dont  have  the time to  give  you. In the last sentence, for example, you cant actually have or give time, but the concept is clear from the context. ​Creative: an original comparison that  calls attention to itself as a figure of  speech. It is also known as a  poetic, literary, novel, or  unconventional metaphor, such as: Her tall black-suited body seemed to carve its way through the crowded room.- Josephine Hart, DamageFear is a slinking cat I find / Beneath the lilacs of my mind.- Sophie Tunnell, FearThe apparition of these faces in the crowd; / Petals on a wet, black bough.- Ezra Pound, In a Station of the Metro A body cant carve anything, fear is not a slinking cat (and no mind contains lilacs), and faces are not petals, but the creative metaphors paint vivid pictures in the readers mind. Extended:  a comparison between two unlike things that continues throughout a series of sentences in a paragraph or lines in a poem. Many lyrical writers use extended metaphors, such as this drawn-out circus image by a best-selling author: Bobby Holloway says my imagination is a three-hundred-ring circus. Currently, I was in ring two hundred and ninety-nine, with elephants dancing and clowns cartwheeling and tigers leaping through rings of fire. The time had come to step back, leave the main tent, go buy some popcorn and a Coke, bliss out, cool down.- Dean Koontz, Seize the Night Dead:  a figure of speech that has lost its force and imaginative effectiveness through frequent use, such as: Kansas City is  oven hot, dead metaphor or no dead metaphor.- Zadie Smith, On the Road: American Writers and Their Hair Mixed:  a succession of incongruous or ludicrous comparisons- for example: Well have a lot of new blood holding gavels in Washington.- Former U.S. Rep. Jack Kingston (R-Ga.), in the  Savannah Morning News, Nov. 3, 2010Thats awfully thin gruel for the right wing to hang their hats on.-   MSNBC, Sept.  3, 2009 Primary:  A basic intuitively understood metaphor- such as knowing is seeing  or time is motion- that may be combined with other primary metaphors to produce complex metaphors. Root:  An  image,  narrative, or fact that shapes an individuals perception of the world and interpretation of reality, such as: Is the whole universe a perfect machine? Is the society an organism?- Kaoru Yamamoto,  Too Clever for Our Own Good: Hidden Facets of Human Evolution Submerged:  a type of metaphor in which one of the terms (either the  vehicle  or tenor) is implied rather than stated explicitly: Alfred Noyes, The Highwayman The moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas. Therapeutic:  a metaphor used by therapists to assist clients in the process of personal transformation., a British website that offers psychotherapy resources and information, gives this example of passengers on a bus: You can be in the driving seat, whilst all the passengers (thoughts) are being critical, abusive, intrusive, distracting, and shouting directions, or sometimes just plain nonsense.  You can allow those passengers to shout and chatter noisily, whilst keeping your attention focused on the road ahead, heading towards your goal or value. The metaphor aims to help present someone seeking help with a way to stay focused on whats important by shutting out distracting, negative thoughts. Visual: the representation of a person, place, thing, or idea by way of a visual  image  that suggests a particular association or point of similarity.  Modern advertising relies heavily on visual  metaphors. For example, in a magazine ad a few years ago for the banking firm Morgan Stanley, a man is pictured bungee jumping off a cliff. Two words serve  to explain this visual metaphor: A dotted line from the jumpers head points  to the word You, while another line from the end of the bungee cord points to Us. The metaphorical message- of the safety and security provided by the firm in times of risk- is conveyed through a single dramatic image. The Value of  Metaphors We need  metaphors,  James Grant wrote in his article Why Metaphor Matters published on OUPblog, a website operated by Oxford University Press. Without metaphors, many many truths would be inexpressible and unknowable. Grant noted: Take Gerard Manley Hopkins’s exceptionally powerful metaphor of despair: selfwrung, selfstrung, sheathe- and sheterless, / thoughts against thoughts in groans grind. How else could precisely this kind of mood be expressed? Describing how things appear to our senses is also thought to require metaphor, as when we speak of the silken sound of a harp, the warm colours of a Titian, and the bold or jolly flavour of a wine. Science advances by the use of metaphors, Grant  added- of the mind as a computer, of electricity as a current, or of the atom as a solar system. When  using metaphors  to enrich writing, consider how these figures of speech are more than just ornaments or decorative accessories. Metaphors are also ways of thinking, offering readers (and listeners) fresh ways of examining ideas and viewing the world. Source Noyes, Alfred. The Highwayman. Kindle Edition, Amazon Digital Services LLC, November 28, 2012.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Tips and Examples About Asking for Information in English

Tips and Examples About Asking for Information in English Asking for information can be as simple as asking for the time, or as complicated as asking for details about a complicated process. In both cases, its important to use the appropriate form for  the situation. For example, when asking for information from a friend, use a more informal or colloquial  form. When asking a colleague, use a slightly more formal form, and when asking for information from a stranger, use an appropriately formal construction. Very Informal Structures If you are asking a friend  or family member for information, use a direct question. Simple Question Structure: Wh? Helping Verb Subject Verb How much does it cost?Where does she live? More Formal Structures Use these forms for simple, everyday questions in stores, with colleagues at work, and in other informal situations. Structure: Pardon me / Excuse me   Can / Could you tell me Wh? Subject verb? Can you tell me when the train arrives?Pardon me, could you tell me how much the book costs? Formal and More Complicated Questions Use these forms when asking complicated questions that require a lot of information. These should also be used when asking questions of important people such as your boss, on a job interview, etc. Structure: I wonder if you could tell me/explain/provide information on... I wonder if you could explain how health insurance is handled at your company.I wonder if you could provide information on your pricing structure. Structure: Would you mind verb ing   Would you mind telling me a little bit more about benefits at this company?Would you mind going over the savings plan again? Replying to a Request for Information If you would like to provide information when asked for information, start your reply with one of the following phrases. Informal Sure.No problem.Let me see. More Formal Id be happy to answer that.I should be able to answer your question.Itd be a pleasure to help you. When providing information people will sometimes also offer to help in other ways. See the example conversations below for an example. Saying No If you do not have the answer to a request for information, use one of the phrases below to indicate that you are unable to answer the question.  Saying no, is never fun, but sometimes its necessary. Instead, its common to offer a suggestion as to where someone might find the information. Informal Sorry, I cant help you out.Sorry, but I dont know that.Thats beyond me, sorry. More Formal Im afraid I dont have the answer to that question.Id like to help you. Unfortunately, I dont have that information / dont know. Role Play Exercises   Simple Situation Brother: When does the movie start?Sister: I think its at 8.Brother: Check, will you?Sister: Youre so lazy. Just a second.Brother: Thanks, sis.Sister: Yes, it starts at 8. Get off the couch sometimes! Customer: Excuse me, can you tell me where I can find menswear?Shop Assistant: Sure. Menswear is on the second floor.Customer: Oh, also, could you tell me where sheets are.Shop Assistant: No problem, sheets are on the third floor at the back.Customer: Thanks for your help.Shop Assistant: My pleasure. More Complex or Formal Situation Man: Excuse me, would you mind answering some questions?Business Colleague: Id be happy to help.Man: I wonder if you could tell me when the project is going to begin.Business Colleague: I believe were beginning the project next month.Man: and who will be responsible for the project.Business Colleague: I think Bob Smith is in charge of the project.Man: OK, finally, would you mind telling me how much the estimated cost will be?Business Colleague: Im afraid I cant answer that. Perhaps you should speak to my director.Man: Thank you. I thought you might say that. Ill speak to Mr. Anders.Business Colleague: Yes, that would be best for that type of information. Man: Thank you for helping out.Business Colleague: My pleasure.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Financial Analysis Project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Financial Analysis Project - Assignment Example Basically, the business is divided into three major business units. The PepsiCo Americas Food which includes brands such as Frito-Lay North America, Quackers Food North America and all of their Latin American food and snack businesses. The second business unit is that of PepsiCo Americas Beverage; this includes the PepsiCo beverage North America and Latin America beverage businesses. The third business unit is the PepsiCo International, which deals with all the international businesses of the United Kingdom, Europe, Asia, Middle East- practically the whole world. The organization’s core value is to provide sustainable growth through the empowerment of people who act responsibly and build trust. Sustained growth, Empowered people, Responsibility and Trust form the core value foundations of the organization (PepsiCo, 2010). For the analysis purposes, the financial statements of 2007, 2008 and 2009 were used. The website provides the financial statements of all three years. For industry analysis and information purposes, the Bloomberg PepsiCo and Bloomberg Coke were also utilized. The initial review of the organization is divided into two areas; Analysis of the auditor’s messages as well highlighting the management’s discussion and analysis of the business that took place throughout the year, paying special emphasis on the important aspects of the business. According to the auditor’s report, the audit has been conducted keeping in mind the guidelines of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, in USA. According to the standards set by PCAOB, the auditors had to make sure there was enough internal audit control to not allow miss-statement of financial statements. A company is required to exercise sound internal control over the financial reporting processes and procedures in order to provide the auditors and the stakeholders with reasonable surety

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Resource Allocation Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Resource Allocation Report - Essay Example the project lifecycle.   Resource management begins with project initiation, when resource needs and strategies must be analyzed, specified and accepted as part of the project "charter" (IT Tool Kit, 2010). Above definition indicates that the term ‘resources’ does not only mean human resources or labor but it also covers other requirements of the project like raw material, electronics, costs, time, efforts, etc. there can be a number of things which can fall under the term ‘resources’. Resource planning falls in the initiation phase of the project life cycle where project/program manager needs to plan a feasibility of the requirement based analysis in order to form a project team, set deadlines, figure out possibility of the assigned timeline, calculate estimated costs, etc. once initial planning is done, allocation comes in. A program resource management is generally designed to have a direct connection to the overall corporate strategic plan. Composed of a series of similar projects, the goals of all projects within the program are typically consistent with one or more enterprise level strategic components (Tech Republic, 2005). Since project management is headed by project managers, resource allocation or assignment of tasks have to be handled by him in order to achieve the desired goals of the overall project. There may be over of under availability of the resources which he has to manage to achieve the three major elements that build the project; scope, budget, and schedule. This is a little different than the program management, according to which program managers have to look at the bigger picture where they have to check the availability of the resources as per all the active projects. If some resource is engaged with a particular project, he has to manage the conflict between project managers to not engage same resource in some other project. To understand project/program resource management clearly, we also need to understand portfolio